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This tab allows you to change the overall look of your project. All of these settings have a default value, which can be reverted to by clicking on the circle arrow.

Be careful because it changes the style of the entire project and can mess up your design if you use random values. Before modifying parameters, make sure you understand what you're doing.


Depending on the current theme, light and dark colors will be used. It is light by default, but this can change if you use 'Default to dark them' or an auto-detection of the theme.

Here you can modify 3 colors for each theme:

In addition to these colors, we are calculating colors from these ones to apply to the border, background, and other elements of the anchor menu.

To change these colors, you must do so manually in the code tab by adding your own CSS.

Default to dark theme

By selecting this option, your default theme will be dark mode.


Auto detect dark theme

Auto detects your website's current mode and automatically adjusts the project's theme to match it.


Font Family

Choose the Font Family that you want to use for your project.

Font Size

Change the global font-size.


Max Width

You can change the size of the main column with this value. If you want, you can disable the left and right space to make your main column bigger by increasing the size

Block Padding

This value represents the space between each individual block.


Icon Stroke

Change the thickness of each icon in your project.


You can change the size and the weight for every H1, H2, H3

Heading padding

set padding for all headings. Keep in mind that this padding will be added to the Block Padding. You could end up with a very large space for headings.


Text line-height

Set line-height for all text elements

Text letter-spacing

Set letter-spacing for all text elements

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